Ariel, Wa.




In the spring of 2005 a couple of cowboys decided we needed our own range in SW Washington State. After looking at several locations, we were invited to set up a shoot at the Wolverton Mtn. Gun club, 243 Williams Rd. Ariel, WA. 98603 Ariel is located 22 miles East of Woodland, WA. On the State Road 503.

We contacted all our cowboy friends and in days raised enough funds to purchase targets, stands, tables and misc. equipment to get started. Slippery Slopes offered to make the targets and stands and they turned out just great.

Our first Match was in Sept. of 2005 and we’ve been going strong ever since.

Wolverton Mountain Liability form

2025 Shooting Calendar

We shoot the 3nd Saturday of each month (March to September) with the exception of August which is our 3-day Anniversary Match, for 2025 this will be held on the 4th weekend in August.  Please note we are closed October, November, December, January & February.  All SASS rules apply.

Map to Range

Old Map to Range

Note: The Wolverton Mtn. PeaceKeepers Cowboy Action Shooting Posse maintains the right to prohibit any person from attending or participating in the Wolverton Mtn. PeaceKeepers sanctioned events

Website Maintained By

CD Tom